Support and Interventions
Plus 1 and Power of 2
Plus 1 and Power of 2 puts in place the building blocks of number and developing skills with mental calculations. The clear language and repetition benefits students with dyslexia and those with English as an Additional language. Students with dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations.
Plus 1 covers basic number work, such as counting forwards and backwards with numbers up to 10, adding and subtracting numbers up to 10, and introducing doubling and halving.
Power of 2 begins with teaching number bonds to 10, and then moves on to introducing doubling, halving, addition and subtraction, rounding numbers, multiplying and dividing. It then introduces fractions and looks at worded problems and time.
Plus 1 - From 5 Years Old
Power of 2 - From 8 Years Old
Lego As An Intervention
LEGO-Based As An Intervention is a social development programme that uses LEGO activities to support the development of a wide range of social skills within a group setting.
Playing with LEGO in a therapy setting promotes social interaction, turn-taking skills, sharing, collaborative problem-solving and the learning of concepts. It can be used to target goals around social skills, language and motor skills. It also sets up a positive opportunity for guided social problem-solving to help develop social skills that can then be used in other situations.
During a LEGO-Based Intervention session, three or four children of similar ages work together to build a LEGO model.
Each child takes on one of four specific roles to do this:
The Engineer oversees reading and relaying the instructions. The Engineer must tell the Supplier what pieces to retrieve and tell the Builder how to build the model.
The Supplier oversees finding the correct LEGO pieces. The Supplier must listen to the Engineer and figure out what piece to retrieve, and then given these pieces to the Builder.
The Builder oversees physically building the model. The Builder must listen to instructions provided by the Engineer and receive the pieces that are retrieved by the Supplier.
The Foreman makes sure everyone is doing what they need to do. They provide help to other roles when needed and look out for social challenges that may need problem-solving by the group.
Sensory Circuits
Sensory circuits are a great way both to energise and settle children into the school day. Particularly when they need to focus or engage in learning. The aim of a sensory circuit is to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills. Sensory circuits are done first thing in the morning, but can be done at home too.
The children really enjoy working with each other and the adults leading the sessions. They complete a series of activities as detailed below and for the majority of children this leads to improvement in alertness and co-ordination in class. Children are reviewed every 6 weeks.
The three Sensory Circuits areas are:
Alerting: These activities stimulate the bodies’ central nervous system in preparation for learning. These include spinning, bouncing, skipping and jumping.
Organising: These activities demand the brain and body to work together. These include balance, co-ordination and concentration.
Calming: These activities give awareness of their body in a space and increases the ability to self regulate sensory input. These include heavy muscle work and deep pressure.
Sensory Circuits at Home