Green Team!
Welcome to our Green Team page!
We are continuing to take part in the Eco-Schools programme which helps empower young people to tackle environmental issues and make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. We have already been recognised for our efforts by being awarded the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag.(Check out the gallery to see what we achieved last year.) In order to retain this award we need to continue with our environmental activities. Leading this work will be our Green Team committee members, ably assisted by the Action Team and the rest of our school community.
We were very impressed with the number of applications for the Green Team and are delighted to announce that the following children are our committee members for this year: Bea, Lizzie, Jack W, Maddie, Bonnie, Jamila, Joshua and Mae.
They have already been busy carrying out an environmental review, and we will be putting an action plan together based on their findings very soon to help us in our ‘green’ endeavours at school.
In addition to the committee members, we also have an Action Team because of the passion and enthusiasm shown by so many children who wanted to help protect and care for our planet. These children will work alongside the committee members on any practical projects we undertake: Ava, Evie H, Kiera, Holly, Olive, Stanley W and Arthur H.
It has been wonderful to see the commitment of our children to ‘green’ issues and throughout the year there will be more opportunities for the whole school community to become involved in our activities.
Follow what we get up to by clicking on our Green Team News section and gallery.