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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School


Colliers Green Primary School is a “Voluntary Aided” school.  Voluntary Aided  (V.A.) schools are usually closely associated historically, managerially and financially with a church or charitable foundation which owns the land on which the school stands.  Colliers Green Primary School is a Church of England V.A. school.

The Governing Body has twelve members of which seven are “Foundation Governors” – three appointed directly by the diocese and three by the diocese on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) of St. Dunstan’s, Cranbrook.  The seventh Foundation Governor is the vicar of St. Dunstan’s or the vicar’s nominated representative.

Two Governors are parents of pupils who are on roll at the time of the election.   One Governor is a member of staff, elected by his or her colleagues.   One Governor is nominated directly by Kent County Council.   The Headteacher is a Governor by virtue of his or her position.

The Governing Body has scheduled meetings six times a year.  However, much of the detailed work is undertaken in committees which then report back to the Full Governing Body.   These committees deal with:

  • Admissions arrangements.
  • Pay and Personnel issues.
  • Finance and Premises, including the New Build and other developments.
  • Self Evaluation, including curriculum, teaching and learning, monitoring, safeguarding and other pastoral matters.


See links to the right, and below for more information about each of our governors.

Attendance at meetings over the last academic year: see separate document, below.

Business and Financial interests of the governors: none.

Governance roles at other educational institutions:
Mrs J Hewitt is an employee of St Ronans School

Material interests arising from relationships between governors, or governors and school staff: none.

John Speller – Chair of Governors

John Speller
Co-Chair of governors

I was first appointed in February 2013 by Kent County Council.

I am on the committees for Personnel, Admissions, and SESC.

I am the link governor for MfL, Attendance and Behaviour.

I trained as a modern languages teacher and worked in six schools over a 38-year career, the last two schools as a Headteacher. Now retired. I am a magistrate for East Kent Adult and Family Court as well as doing voluntary education advisory and regulatory work. 27 years of experience as a school governor.

I am a keen follower of sport, especially cricket and football.  I am married to Jennifer, also a modern languages teacher. We have three adult children.

Jacqueline Hewitt – Vice Chair

Jacqueline Hewitt
Co-chair of governors

I was elected a governor by the Diocese of Canterbury 19th January 2014.

I am a Co-Chair of the FGB and I am on the SESC and Admissions Committees.

I am the governor responsible for governor training and governor visits.

I am the link governor for EYFS & Safeguarding

I am currently a Year 2 teacher at a local school and now that my children are adult felt I had the time to become involved in my local community. Before returning to Kent I lived for many years in Asia where I have held a variety of roles including being a cross cultural trainer and a counsellor.

I love travel, gardening, theatre, reading and walking.

Carlos Lloyd

Carlos Lloyd
Vice Chair

I was appointed on 13th November 2016 by Parochial Church Council of St Dunstan’s.

I am the Vice-chair for the FGB and am on the committees for Personnel and Finance & Premises

I am the link governor for ICT and finance and operations.

My wife and 4 children and I have lived in or around Cranbrook for 20 years. I enjoy sport and am actively involved with local running, triathlon, squash and rugby clubs.

Dan Warburton


Parent Governor

I joined Colliers Green board of governors in January 2023 as a parent governor.

I have 2 boys currently at school, Albie & Stanley.

I run a recruitment firm that specialises in chefs & cooks since 2008.

I sit on the pay and personnel panel.

Outside of work, I’m a keen sportsman.

Golf, football and long distance running are a passion of mine.

I also help coach children’s football with Cranbrook Juniors FC.

Jo O’Driscoll

Jo O’Driscoll
Parent Governor

I joined the board of governors at Colliers Green in December 2017 as a parent governor.

I sit on the SESC panel, and the Finance & Premises Committee.

I am the link governor for English and communications.

I had two children move through Colliers Green,  but have now gone to secondary school. I am director of a communications consultancy and have 20 years' experience helping charities, businesses and government departments communicate effectively. I was until recently vice-chair of TAMBA (the Twins and Multiple Birth Association), and I am a Director of Kidenza, and of the Literary Kitchen Writing Festival.

Robert Joyce

Robert Joyce
Parent Governor

I am a parent governor, having joined the governing body in January 2024. I sit on the Finance and Premises Committee and the Pay and Personnel Committee.

I have a son at Colliers Green and a pre-school daughter. I grew up in Cranbrook, and moved back to the area from London in 2019. Professionally, I am an economist specialising in the impacts of public policy on people, families and businesses. With the morsels of free time left over, I enjoy travel, food and sport – though more watching than playing these days!


Catherine Lloyd 

Catherine Lloyd
Parent and Diocesan Governor

I am a Parent and Diocesan Governor, appointed by the Diocese of Canterbury Board of Education in July 2014.

With my professional experience and qualifications, I chose to sit on the Finance and Premises Committee.

I am the Link Governor for RE and SIAMS.

I joined the Governing Body shortly before my eldest son joined Colliers Green and have been attending St. Mary’s Goudhurst, since we moved down to Kent from London in 2010.

I am a qualified solicitor at a well-respected firm in Maidstone. I specialise in all aspects of non-contentious commercial property work, from high value, complex acquisitions and disposals, to landlord and tenant matters, advising a range of clients (including a diocesan Society and Board of Finance)

Reverend Richard King

Photo to come

Rev'd Richard King
Foundation Governor

Reverend Richard is the vicar at St Dunstan's church in Cranbrook and joined the governing body in March 2024. He is a member of the FGB and the health and safety link governor.

More details to follow.

Josephine Hopkins - Headteacher

Josephine Hopkins

I joined Colliers Green as Headteacher in September 2021 and sit on all the committees. 

Prior to being headteacher, I was deputy head of our lovely school, so I know it well.

At home, I am kept on my toes by my young, extremely inquisitive daughter. Quiet moments seem few and far between, but when they do come, I love to read and potter about in my garden. I also love going out for the occasional fancy meal, but I'm not sure whether that counts as a hobby!

Josephine Hopkins
Staff Governor

I have been a staff governor since I joined the school as Deputy Head in September 2018, and sit on the SESC committee.

Prior to working at Colliers Green, I have taught in East Sussex and elsewhere in Kent, and have previous experience in scientific research.

When not busy teaching, I enjoy spending time in my garden and exploring the local area.

Ellie Potts - staff governor

Content and image coming soon 


Magda Marner

Content and image coming soon 

Helen Startup

I have been a secondary school teacher for 16 years. I have a passion for education and find working with children very rewarding. I have developed and implemented many strategies to raise attainment and improvement. I also have substantial pastoral experience.

I was appointed as a foundation governor in October 2019. I am the chair of the SESC Committee. I have a responsibility of overseeing the Creative Curriculum provision in the school. This encompasses all subjects that are non-core subjects.

I am mother to two children, with one still at Colliers Green. In my very little spare time, I enjoy baking with my son and going for family walks. I also love making all kinds of crafts and do this as often as I can.


Elizabeth Hancock

Picture to follow



Elizabeth Hancock
Foundation Governor

A member of the Governing Body since January 2020, with a particular interest in SEND and SIAMS.  

A mother to three grown-up children and grandmother to four grand-children, with an interest in the countryside, gardening and breeding Labrador Retrievers as well as a regular attender at St Dunstan's church in Cranbrook.