Finding Fun in Failure

We have a resident robin! He heralds our arrival every week, and he was the Woodland Welcome for many of Sweet Chestnut Group this week. In fact, the bird song all around Deggs Wood was particularly vivid this week ahead of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.
We wondered... was it the warmer weather? was it the sunshine? was it us? was it the full moon?
When going through the boundaries this week - we discussed how sometimes we need to stand back and let people fail (the only exception being if it's dangerous). If we always step in to help our friends then we're taking away the chance for them to succeed by themselves and also to have fun failing along the way.
Storm Isha had brought down a large silver birch branch that I was keen to get some help to chop up for firewood and fortunately I had some very willing assistants. They lopped, chopped, dragged, sawed, spliced and stacked adding a significant supply of firewood to our store. They followed instructions to stay safe, persevered when it was tough, listened advice, supported and encourage each other and managed to change the last letter of a job from 'b' to 'y' with their good humour and tenacity.
Meanwhile, the ice suncatchers were revealed and hung proudly from the lime lines to dance in the sunlight. Stunning!!!
The group were so busy making dens this week. When I visited, I saw all the school values being embodied. It was FABULOUS!
'The Whiskers' (as I have nicknamed them) have reached the final hurdle. This week they sanded their whisk to a satisfyingly creamy silken finish. Next week, they will use these beautiful utensils to make the group pancakes!
Have a look at this week's gallery here