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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School

Dens, Dorodangos & Mighty Mice

It's raining, it's pouring but the Meadow Browns don't find that boring!
We went through our promises & boundaries under the shelter of the kitchen. Our voices had to battle the rain and it was quite a challenge to hear each other over the sound of the rain pounding down on the tarpaulin! We all agreed, however, that the sound of the rain was rather magical and it wasn't long before we could all get out and start playing in it.

The children built amazing dens and came up with some creative ways to try and weatherproof them. A group of children also learnt about the Japanese art of Dorodangos. We mined for the golden clay-based soil a few inches below the leaf mould, we sieved it, moulded it, rolled it and gently started to add fine layers of clay dust to dry out the crust. A mindful process.

We all came together for a game of 'Buzzards & Mice' which involved some fabulous hiding positions, a Mouse warm-up workout, and, of course, the crowning of 'The Mighty Mouse'

The children had so much that as we left the woods many were surprised that it was raining!?! Move over Andi McDowell & Hugh Grant!

We spotted rosehips in the hedgerow and filled our pockets with acorns on the way back to school. We arrived back with frozen fingers & soggy coats but huge smiles and tummies ready for a welcome lunch.

Well done Meadow gave you a rainy day and you played in its puddles!