Bee friendly (and butterfly too!)

Have you ever seen a butterfly fluttering by or heard a bee buzzing around a flower? These small creatures might seem ordinary, but they are super important for our world.
Why Butterflies and Bees Matter
Both butterflies and bees are pollinators. This means they help plants grow by carrying pollen from one flower to another. Pollination helps flowers produce seeds, which can then grow into new plants.
Butterflies and bees are also a vital part of the food chain. Birds, bats and other insects eat them, which helps keep nature in balance. Without them, many animals would struggle to find food.
Unfortunately, because of habitat loss and the use of pesticides these insects need our help.
The Green Team have carried out research to find out what plants are particularly attractive to bees and butterflies and have planted some of these around our school grounds and in our special bee and butterfly garden.
Look out for the ‘bee friendly' plant labels around school and try to grow some of them in your own garden. This would make a great half-term project!
Here is a list of the 'Top 20' flowers for bees and butterflies as researched by The Green Team.
Lavender, Salvia, Foxglove, Verbena, Aster, Stonecrop, Agastache, Bee Balm, Buddleia, Cosmos, Geranium, Goldenrod, Sunflower, Coneflower, Liatris, Pulmonaria officinalis, Allium, Alysium montanum, Anenome nemorasa, Nettles!
How many do you have in your garden?
What other plants have you found that are popular with bees and butterflies?
Let the Green Team know of any others that should be added to our list.